Thursday, October 2, 2008

How real is the current credit crisis?

Well, this is the first time I have ever written a blog. And I may be the only person that ever reads my blog. If so, ok. But, I have some things to say, about our country, and in particular, our government, and a blog just seems so right to do that.
As I said, how "real" is the current credit crisis? Well, I guess it's real. I mean, our government is spending billions to stop the credit slide, right? And those billions are coming out of our pockets, our kids pockets, their kids pockets, their kids-kids pockets -- probably for the next 7 to 10 generations.
$700B is a helluva lot of money, even for a government that sends millions to Iraq and Afganistan - in cash - and can't understand it when that money disappears, never to be seen again.
Our government has, for the past 120 years or so sent billions, probably trillions of our tax dollars to support, help, restore other countries; countries where the citizens hate the US Government, countries that have shot down our military planes (and sometimes civilian planes) and tortured, killed and mutilated the US soldiers (uhh, US Citizens) that survived the crash, countries that openly support and provide haven for the terrorist that blow up planes, spread poison gases in subways, behead US Citizens, take US Citizens from embassies and hold them hostage for 7 years. We keep giving these countries money! More Money! MORE MONEY! Now, we are at war with Iraq and fighting in Afganistan, although I don't think our Congress (remember them - they keep giving money to Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afganistan, Pakistan, &c, &c.) has yet declared war on that country.
We fought a bloody war in Iran/Iraq a few years ago. We didn't finish the job. But the man we put in power spit on our people (virtually, not physically), he tortured, killed and mutilated his own people, he stated openly that America was the Devil. He turned his religious fervor and his own cult against America - so we had to go over to Iraq again. The Arab that has caused us the most trouble, bin Laden, escapes the greatest country in the world, then shows us his bare ass and shakes his genitals in our face. And we still send money, tax money, money we work our butts off for, to his country.
I guess this sounds like I am concerned about money. Well, I am. Our nation's infrastructure is failing. Bridges collapse on Federally funded highways, interstates are in such disrepair that sometimes it is dangerous to drive on them. Our health system is a joke. People can not afford health insurance, nor can they afford hospital bills if they get treated.
Our taxes continue to rise, and they will get even higher if the Democratic candidate gets in office, and our taxes are supposed to be used " establish justice, insure [sic] domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence [sic], promote the general welfare..." I know, this is from the preamble to the Constitution, and the courts seldom have used the preamble to interpret law, so, let's go to Article 1, Section 8, shall we? "The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defence [sic] and general welfare of the United States..." Hmmm, nowhere in this does it say that the same congress can give the money to countries that burn our flag, torture, kill, and mutilate our citizens, hate the United States and call us "the Great Satan". After all, Amendment 14, Paragraph 4 states, in part: "...But neither the United States nor any State shall asume or pay any dept or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States ... but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Well, if that does not describe those countries that support, shelter, protect, and hold dear the terrorists that have attacked our country, I ain't real sure what does.
It seems to me, if we kept our tax money at home, if we used it in a manner in keeping with the Constitution of the United States, then all this bail-out crap would not really be necessary.
So. maybe the current credit crisis is real, but let's just supppose we cut the Capital Gains Tax for a year or three - think people would not be throwing money at Wall Street? Let's stop all of the so-called foreign aid, and keep those billions in the US and use them to improve the life, health, and security of the citizens of the United States.
And let's take a real serious look at Amendment 16, which flies in the face of the founding Fathers of this wonderful country, who did not feel that an income tax, as such, was a good idea. They said, in Article 1, Section 9, "No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken."
Stop back again, and let's talk about some real politics --- the Presidential Oath of Office and what does it mean to those who would ignore the Consitution.
Thanks for reading my blog. Leave me a reply, if you want. I will try to read all, and get back to you as soon as I can.

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